Friday, August 8, 2008

August 8th 2008

Time heals all wounds. Age old wisdom. True? Generally people grieve upon receiving a dire medical diagnosis. The entire world seems to close in on them and their families. After the initial shock and disbelief at Bhaskar's diagnosis of stage IV Glioblastoma Multiformae, the entire extended family busied themselves with tasks aimed at postponing the inevitable. There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that this was the right thing to do. Yet, we seemed to have let the disease and the treatment define the last few months of Bhaskar's life Time that slipped away from us.

Enter Randy Pausch. He died recently of inoperable pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to his liver and other organs. His inspiring story - "The last Lecture" was a great revelation on the surprising resolve and resilience of the human spirit. Read on. Watch here.

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